Computer by itself created 40000 inventions

Hello. I believe that with the help my work (which is outlined here four companies (independently of each other) created programs, with the help each of these programs, the computer by itself can invent many inventions. As a result of this, the computer by itself created 40000 inventions. The addresses of the sites of these companies such http://www.method.ru,,

But the creators of these programs apparently has not published information that they have used (I suppose) my abovementioned work for create these programs. Thanks to this our company striving for creation for the fifth time with the help of this my work of the program using which a computer could independently invent many inventions. I offer you cooperation in this.

The computer with the help of the program "True Machina" created 40000 (forty thousand) inventions, this is Tsurikov said at the end of the film which is located at and at the end of this film Tsurikov said that he (and his company) for to create the program "True Machina" used published invention methods which he and his company, did not create. It was only at the end of 2018 that the computer began to create inventions by itself through the program created by Tsurikov and his assistants. I published this my work in 1981 year. My e-mail

The business plan: I am the Director of company «Tonna zolota». I will hire three programmers. And in one year they will easily create a program with the help of this work, by means of which a computer will be able to invent many inventions by itself. For the salary of programmers and other expenses $ 50000 will be necessary. 49% of profit on sale of inventions (and the other) will be yours, and 51% our company. To implement this plan it is necessary that you give our company $ 50000 or hire three programmers yourself.

Yours faithfully, Shmonov Aleksandr

My copyright for a work entitled «Methods for developing inventions with the help of which three programmers can easily create a program using which a computer can invent many inventions by itself» is protected because:

I have documents confirming that: 1) I filed this work as an invention application in 1981 2) I received a positive review of this work of mine in 1981 3) in 1983 an expert commission considered this work of mine twice.

Copies of these documents are set out below. I published this work on April 5, 2007 on the Internet here And on June 10, 2007, I published a book in which I presented this work of mine.

From the fourth part of Article 1259 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation I quote: «For the emergence, exercise and protection of copyright, registration of a work or compliance with any other formalities is not required. With regard to computer programs and databases, registration is possible, carried out at the request of the right holder in accordance with the rules of Article 1262 of this Code.».

I quote from Article 1261 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation: «Copyrights for all types of computer programs ... are protected in the same way as copyrights for works of literature. A computer program is a set of data and commands presented in an objective form intended for the functioning of a computer and other computer devices in order to obtain a certain result, including preparatory materials obtained during the development of a computer program and the audiovisual displays generated by it.»

I quote from Article 1256 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation: «The exclusive right to works of science, literature and art extends:

1) for works published on the territory of the Russian Federation or unpublished, but located in some objective form on the territory of the Russian Federation, and is recognized for the authors (their legal successors) regardless of their citizenship;».

I quote from Article 1281 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation: «The exclusive right to a work is valid throughout the life of the author and seventy years, counting from January 1 of the year following the year of the author's death.».

My work is a preparatory material obtained during the development of a computer program (and my work is a work of science). From the above articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, it follows that the preparatory materials obtained during the development of the computer program are part of the computer program and that the author of the preparatory materials obtained during the development of the computer program should be included in the co-authors of the computer program if he created only materials obtained during the development of a computer program. And from these articles it follows that registration of preparatory materials obtained during the development of a computer program (and works of science) is not required for the emergence of copyright.

Outlined below copies of some of the pages of a book entitled «Methods of invention by which two thousand programmers can easily compose such programs for a computer by which a computer can invent many inventions without the help of man». The title of the book says «two thousand programmers» because I originally wanted programmers to write all the scientific information of the world (or most of all the scientific information of the world) into the computer's memory. But then, based on the analysis of the literature, I came to the conclusion that the average inventor knows 150 physical and other effects, and therefore I decided that three programmers are enough.

On the last page of the book it says that it was signed for printing June 10, 2007. Outlined below a copy of this last page. Some libraries have this book.

Компьютер создал сам 40000 изобретений


      Здравствуйте. Я считаю, что с помощью моей работы (которая изложена здесь четыре компании (независимо друг от друга) создали программы, с помощью каждой из этих программ компьютер может сам изобрести много изобретений. В результате этого компьютер создал сам 40000 изобретений. Адреса сайтов этих компаний такие: http://www.method.ru,,

Но создатели этих программ, видимо, не опубликовали информацию о том, что они использовали (я полагаю) эту мою работу для создания этих программ. Поэтому наша компания добивается того, чтобы с помощью этой моей работы пятый раз была создана программа, с помощью которой компьютер может сам изобрести много изобретений. Предлагаю вам сотрудничество в этом.

       Компьютер с помощью программы «True Machina» создал 40000 (сорок тысяч) изобретений это сказал Цуриков в конце фильма который находится по адресу и в конце этого фильма Цуриков сказал что он и его компания для создания программы «True Machina» использовали опубликованные методы изобретательства которые он и его компания не создавали. Компьютер только в конце 2018 года начал сам создавать изобретения с помощью программы созданной Цуриковым и его помощниками. А я опубликовал эту мою работу в 1981 году. Моя почта

       Бизнес-план: Я директор ООО «Тонна золота». Я найму трёх программистов. И они за один год с помощью этой моей работы легко создадут программу, с помощью которой компьютер может сам изобрести много изобретений. На зарплату программистам и на другие расходы понадобится 50000 долларов. 49 процентов прибыли: от продажи изобретений (и другого) вам, а 51 процент нашей компании. Для осуществления этого плана нужно чтобы вы нашей компании дали 50000 долларов или сами наняли трёх программистов.

С уважением Шмонов Александр